
Mitragaia 7 Strain Sampler Pack

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Evergreen Tree 3 Strain Sampler

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Where to Buy Kratom

The most popular vendor, that has been around the longest is Mitragaia (Formerly known as Gaia Ethnobotanicals)   They offer some of the best deals on kratom across the industry while also having, by far, the best quality of kratom on the marktet for the price. In addition to reputation, they also have an enormous selection on their site. They have just about every kratom strain, or extract you could dream up. All for the best prices on the market. If you’re new to kratom, they offer a 7 0z. sampler for $30. You can get 7 different strains for a very low price, to get a feel for what you like the most. From my experience the Maeng Da strains are usually the strongest. Just remember, always start low with dosage. You can always take more, but not less.


From my research, one of the most reliable, high end, online kratom vendors in the U.S. is The Evergreen Tree.  Shipping is also always free!


High Sierra Herbals has the mot consistent, high quality kratom that I have tried so far. Use coupon code BOTANICALREVIEWS for a 20% off coupon! They have a small selection; but, it’s an honest menu. Unless the vendor is well established and has dozens of suppliers, it is unlikely that they have tons of different strains. Sometimes the websites with 100 different advertised strains are ones to beware of; however, some of them legitimately have enough connections to really have that kind of variety.


Kratom Krates is likely the highest potency kratom on the market! They advertise that their kratom is kept completely in the dark without any light pollution throughout the entire production process. Every single strain and batch is tested for both contaminants, pathogens, and alkaloids.

Kratom Tips for Beginners

Here are some tips for finding a good vendor: A good vendor tests for contaminants and heavy metals. They also follow best practices, and will not ship to areas where kratom is illegal. They will not condone the ingestion of kratom, as it is not FDA approved for human consumption. Below are my two favorite vendors that offer affordable product, which is 3rd party lab tested for contaminants, heavy metals and alkaloid levels. They offer sample packs, which can help you figure out which strain works best for you.

Sample packs for finding what’s best for you:

Mitragaia 7 Strain Sampler – $30 for 7 Ounces

The Evergreen Tree – Sample Pack

Unfortunately, the FDA is on a mission to force the DEA to schedule kratom. This wonderful evergreen tree is at constant risk of a ban.


What Is Kratom?

Kratom, or Mitragyna Speciosa, as it is formally known, has been used for thousands of years by people in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and other Southeastern Asian countries. The most well known use is by farmers, to increase stamina and productivity while working in the fields. It has also been used as a home remedy for opiate addiction. The latter use is possible because of a myriad of alkaloids contained within the leaves of the tree; of which, there are somewhere around 40. The most prevalent two alkaloids are mitragynine, and 7-Hydroxymitragynine (7-HMG). Both of which are mu opioid agonists. The interesting thing about these alkaloids, is that they appear to have a unique interaction with the brain receptors, which makes it extremely difficult to surpass a dangerous threshold. The LD50 for Mytragynine is 547mg/kg. This equates to having to eat hundreds, or even thousands of grams of plant matter to succumb to overdose. These natural properties explain why people have been taking this plant as a remedy for opioid withdrawal, pain, and other mood enhancing qualities.

Kratom Farm


Because the FDA does not recommend the use of this plant, I must include this disclaimer. Start Recovering does not endorse the ingestion of kratom, or the alkaloids contained therein. Any and all information on this website is strictly for educational and research purposes only, and is not intended as a guide for using kratom for any purpose. Anyone who views this information and chooses to put themselves at risk will do so against our explicit advice not to.