Where to Buy Kava

In the opinion of this writer, the best brand around the kava industry is Kalm with Kava

What is Kava?

Kava, also known as kava kava and more formally as piper methysticum, is a plant which origins lie in the South Pacific region. It has euphoriant, anesthetic, and sedative properties. Research has shown it to be more effective at treating symptoms of short term anxiety than a placebo. The active ingredients in kava are known as kavalactones. The most commonly observed of which are:

  1. Desmethoxyangonin 
  2. Dihydrokavain (DHK) - A very sedating double bonded kavalactone
  3. Yangonin
  4. Kavain - Known for it's euphoric, "heady," properties
  5. Dihydromethysticin (DHM) - Extremely sedating and long lasting, found in more abundance among tuedei, or non-noble kava
  6. Methysticin

"Kavasseurs" will use the chemotype, or order of prevalence of the six main kavalactones to understand the effects of any specific strain, or cultivar. Most Hawaiian kavas, and heady kavas start with 46, while other noble cultivars may start with 42. Tuedei kavas start with 25, and should generally be avoided, unless one is purposefully seeking them out.



Kava Farm


Kava Facts

  • Kava is not addictive
  • Noble kava will not give you a hangover
  • Kava is a known sleep aid
  • Kava can help you calm down and relax after a stressful day
  • Kava is proven to be a natural anxiolytic


Vanutu Borogu Kava Review – Kalm With Kava

Tongan Pouni Ono Kava Review – Kalm With Kava

Fiji Loa Waka Kava Review – Kalm With Kava